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New Normal

not normal


A lot of government in recent years, went too far! They tried to remove all the most basic rights, freedoms, and liberty's of their people, imposing a police state, a totalitarian tyranny presented as a "new normal".

Propagating fear based propaganda and hate. Censoring the media, and the new media keeping people trap in a bubble of conditioning, lies and deceit. We need to act, stand against this oppression, and stop all these criminal.

All those unethical mandates! These discriminatory, unreasonable, unjustified, measure all need to be stop! People need to start supporting each other, and not give in, to the fear, that they spread around on the media. Don't let them devise us, stay united and stand against oppression. The pandemic is NOT as bad as some people have been fear mongered into believing, It's a "PLANNEDemic", turn off your TV!

In my home country and many other's the government used a manufactured crisis, to put in place a totalitarian police state and instigate discrimination. This government has given it self unquestionable authority, has promoted mass fear and hate, not far from the situation in Nazi Germany (except from the genocide, so far). They pretend to follow the science, and act for the greater good, all excuses that have been used before in history to justify the most inhuman event in human history.

The measures and mandates in place during the "crisis", only caused more death and misery then the crisis, they where trying to prevent.

The dystopian aspect of my country are spreading, with the same propaganda that doomed smart, well intention people in the past. It's a battle against dystopian totalitarian tyrannical police state, to prevent all the censorship, mass manipulation, propaganda, fear and hate from spreading further. a fight for freedoms, rights liberty's. To return to the real normal, not this abnormal "new normal". A battle against the now visible deep state that has infected our institution.

If people could see how deep the censorship, if they could see how much disinformation they get feed, how much corporation have been financially involved in lobbying (corrupting) every related entities, how science was replaced by politics, how lies are spreading and fact are hidden, then you would be concern.

Unless people can go past the media matrix, past the layer of control they have on information, people will stay blind, they will live in a delusion presenting it self as reality. they will loose all sens of normal, and all that will be left, is a new dystopian normal that non shall question. I fear this dark Orwellian reality, that many refuse to see.

It's also about trust, and trust should be gained. The people in charge have long lost it, They have lost face, with their past and present action, yet as of this moment many of them, are still ruling.