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The institution



Their is a serious issues when an institution turn it's back on the citizen that funds it.

Most cops forgot who they are supposed to serve and protect! The army forgot who they are supposed to protect! We cannot Really on them to serve and certainly not to protect us, especially when we need to be protected from them!

We fund the institution, yet we do not own them, they own us. This is not Sci-fi, at least not anymore. This is basic dystopian reality, for many country.

No matter how much you yourself don't notice it, sooner or latter it's all going to affect you, and than guess what? it's going to be too late.

My brother trust the Canadian government so much, he does not even have a valid passport ready. So no matter what happen in this crazy country, he is stuck their!

Should we trust our government?


I might already have said that, but think about it! Their is literally no precedent as to why we should, Not only that but our entire history is filled with citizens, getting exploited by their rulers. Why would it be different this time?

It is becoming evident that most of the ruler in power around the world right now, have not been elected democratically, even the so called "democratic country", have ruler who been caught or are highly suspected of having cheated the election process.

I would argue government are the most advance form of criminal organization, so refine that most of their crime are legal, they make the rule, and know how to bend them.

The less power a government has, the more power it's people have.

A good government is one who priorities the individuals. I am serious, nowhere in our history have these kind of institutions, been trust worthy, Worst they have been responsible for some of the biggest atrocity that plagued humanity for the past few centuries.

I am not gonna focus on every single example, like how the government in America has screw over the Native (not "the white man", but the government man).

I wont bring you fact that you might not believe like how the CIA funded AL-Qaeda (Operation Cyclone), I probably mistypes that and I don't have the internet to lookup the correct spelling so deal with it.

I am just talking general observable fact, the government is at it's best an parasite.

Yet so many people now days don't mind trusting it! They are comfortable slaves. You are complaisant, worst accustomed to this.

This is the part once again where I am chocked at how ignorant some people are of political history, especially students, many advocate for the same political movement that have given us the worst system to ever have existed, including the Nazi (Socialism), Marxism, Communism. System that have already failed every single time, each time they have been put in to practice, they have brought undesirable amount of suffering, they have too many exploits built in! Stop advocating for them!

People will support a bill or law just for it's name even if the description is the opposite of what the nave would imply. I am sure if it was called the "love and care" act most people would not think twice before supporting it, even if the finer print said it supported genocide.

"A government that is allowed to break the law, during an emergency, will always create an emergency in order to break the law" ~ Unknown